
I am an incoming CS PhD student at Johns Hopkins University, advised by Prof. Tianmin Shu. I obtained my B.A. in Honors CS and Mathematics, and received CS Prize for the Most Promising Student from NYU. I was previously a visiting student at MIT working with Prof. Josh Tenenbaum and Prof. Tianmin Shu.

Here are some research directions I’m excited about:

  • Deliberate Reasoning: combine language models, agent models, and world models in a cognitively grounded way, and promote more robust and versatile reasoning across multiple modalities.

  • AI Agents: build the next generation of language agents that can interact with the world through reasoning, planning, managing memory, and learning from human and environment feedback.

  • Social Intelligence: create agents that can perceive, reason about, learn from, and respond to affect, behavior, and cognition of humans or other agents, and foster strategic collaborations among agents.

Besides academics, I enjoy roaming in movies and books. I am an avid reader of history and scientific fiction, as well as a dedicated writer read by more than 16,000,000 times on different platforms. I also enjoy playing “Go”, piano, badminton, hiking and so much more.


  • [May, 2024] MMToM-QA is accepted to ACL 2024 with four top ratings. See you in Bangkok!
  • [May, 2024] Released our position paper for ICLR 2024 AGI Workshop.
  • [Dec, 2023] I am attending NeurIPS 2023. Feel free to reach out if you’d like to have a chat!
  • [May, 2023] I am joining MIT Cocosci and CSAIL as a visiting student
  • [May, 2023] Released badge – SOTA diffusion models with 2x speedup
  • [Apr, 2023] Received NYU Computer Science Prize for the Most Promising Student (1 person/year)


publication teaser
MMToM-QA: Multimodal Theory of Mind Question Answering
Chuanyang Jin, Yutong Wu, Jing Cao, Jiannan Xiang, Yen-Ling Kuo, Zhiting Hu, Tomer Ullman, Antonio Torralba, Joshua Tenenbaum, Tianmin Shu
ACL 2024
Nominated for Outstanding Paper Award
paper / project / code / slides / twitter
publication teaser
How Far Are We From AGI?
Chuanyang Jin*, Tao Feng*, Jingyu Liu*, Kunlun Zhu*, Haoqin Tu, Zirui Cheng, Guanyu Lin, Jiaxuan You
Under Review
Position Paper for ICLR 2024 AGI Workshop
paper / project / workshop / twitter
publication teaser
Neural Amortized Inference for Nested Multi-agent Reasoning
Kunal Jha, Tuan Anh Le, Chuanyang Jin, Yen-Ling Kuo, Joshua Tenenbaum, Tianmin Shu
AAAI 2024
Oral Presentation at AAAI Summer Symposium
paper / project / code / slides
publication teaser
Dynamics of RNA Localization to Nuclear Speckles are Connected to Splicing Efficiency
Jinjun Wu*, Yu Xiao*, Yunzheng Liu*, Li Wen, Chuanyang Jin, Shun Liu, Sneha Paul, Chuan He, Oded Regev, Jingyi Fei
Under Review


publication teaser
Fast Diffusion Transformers
DiT models with 2x speedup and 60% less memory, 500+ GitHub Stars.
publication teaser
The Cultural Psychology of Large Language Models: Is ChatGPT a Holistic or Analytic Thinker?
Chuanyang Jin, Songyang Zhang, Tianmin Shu, Zhihan Cui
publication teaser
Self-Supervised Image Captioning with CLIP
Chuanyang Jin
Self-Supervised Learning Workshop at NeurIPS 2023

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Selected Honors & Awards

  • NYU Presidential Honors Scholar and Summa cum Laude (Top 5%), 2024
  • NYU Computer Science Prize for the Most Promising Student (1 person/year), 2023
  • Dean’s Undergraduate Research Fund ($5,000), 2023
  • COMAP International Scholarship Award ($10,000), 2022
  • MAA Award in Mathematical Contest in Modeling (Top 0.1%), 2022
  • Distinguished Honor Roll of American Mathematics Contest (Top 1%), 2020
  • Bronze Medal of Shing-Tung Yau Computer Science Award ($10,000), 2019
  • Finalist of FIRST Robotics Competition World Championship (Top 0.2%), 2019
  • Outstanding Student Leader Award and Zhou Enlai Scholarship (Top 3%), 2019
  • First Prize of Chinese Mathematical Olympiad (Top 0.1%), 2018

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